My goal is to be an author of RPGs, weird small lit, and novels.
With that goal in mind, I have created a Patreon for people who would like to support me.
When you sign up you get access to all of my previous creations. Think of this space as crowdfunding new RPGs, supplements, and fiction. This space will be a dev log for a game I am working on as well as the novel I am writing.
It will have small supplements I create, thoughts on game design, and blogs where I pull apart other games and systems in process of creating my own games.
I am also working on a novel, and while there won’t be much in regards to what that is about, yet… I will share my thoughts on the creative process, routines, and writing in general.
I have decided to have multiple tiers, but each tier has the same benefits. If you support me, you get what I create regardless of your contribution. If you can afford more, that’s fantastic but only pay what you can.