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Writing Retreat Thoughts: Two

 I woke this morning and there was no power. 

There was no warmth outside the bed which was heated by me and the portable water bottle, Kevin (the dachshund). My mind raced thinking that perhaps I had done something, left something overnight, that had caused the power to trip. 

I looked out of the winder and was greeted by fog, thick and unmoving. For a brief moment, I considered the possibility that this was it. This was the end of life as I had known it and the end apocalypse had begun. But no. The power was just out. And I am one of those ‘adults’ now. So, I lit the fire, placed a torch sitting upright to illuminate the room, and boiled some water on the stove. 

All that was needed was some warm clothes, caffeine, and a stretch and I could get back to The Work. 

And to The Work, I went.

A note on calling it The Work. I like this phrase. I like that it is a proper noun. It gives it weight and makes it something of importance. Not just something I am doing but something that I have to do, something that must be done. 

I have now done the initial edits of The Novel. I have some solid gems in there and I like this story. I also like that it is the sort of genre I have never read before. It is not a new genre, there are heaps of books in this genre, and it has never crossed my mind to write it. But here it is, me writing in a genre I don’t really know. I feel comfortable with this and I’m unsure if I will dive in and research it to ‘know’ what is ‘supposed’ to be in there. Or perhaps I will just focus on the story and structure and see how it turns out. 

But I have achieved. I am happy with the progress so far. I still have 24 hours here. I will still not give myself a word count. I might share what that is when I am done. I will be taking a break from the laptop to read and walk and then this afternoon I will write. 

This wonky little house is doing good things. 

The wonky corridor that leads to The Work.

Long days and pleasant nights.

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June 2022
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